SO many fun and great questions this week! As always, if I didn’t get to yours PLEASE re-submit next week on my INSTA STORY! I put the poll up on Friday now, so you have Fri & Sat to ask anything and then I have time to get it all put together for Sunday evening! Love doing this and hope to continue to! You can see last weeks post HERE.
- How do I stay so tiny?
- I follow a 80/20 lifestyle. I enjoy myself 20% of the time, but the other 80% I try to be disciplined with my eating. Honestly, it’s just apart of life now. I am gluten free, due to my autoimmune issues. I don’t drink, I really only drink water! Haven’t had a soda in like 10yrs. I am very active, I try to do HIIT workouts at least 3-4x a week and/or lift weights. I love lifting. I also am a firm believer in quality supplementation and have used the same ones for the last 8yrs.
- What are my thoughts on the college cheating scandal?
- Honestly, I don’t watch the news. The only reason I know what this question is about is because Facebook and Ricky. The only thing I really know is that the lady from the Full House was involved and sounds like she made a pretty big mistake. Sorry not much help on this one. Hope all the wrong is made right though.
- Best workout for beginners that’s not hard on the knees?
- My first answer would be to invest in a personal trainer that knows your goals, previous injuries, body composition, etc. If that’s just not a option I would say find a group fitness class. What lead me into fitness was after I had my second baby someone had posted on Facebook one day, “Anyone want to come try Zumba with me?” I commented “What is a Zumba?” I had no idea group fitness classes existed. I went and have never looked back, that class was the planted seed that would grow into this love of fitness for me. Over the last 10+ years my routine has evolved, but it’s a matter of just getting started. I started with Zumba and from there went into Turbo Kick, then to light weight lifting, then to HIIT classes, then to heavier weight lifting. So, I would say just start somewhere. Stay consistent! And know with anything you can always modify. I have issues with my wrist due to inflammation so I have to modify a lot, I just ask the trainer for a alternative exercise to do that won’t injure my wrist.
- Do we make our kids do chores? Does Ricky help clean?
- Yes & Yes. Our oldest three have chores. Our oldest has the chore of unloading the dishwasher, which is a daily thing with 6 people, sometimes even twice a day! She also is responsible for making her bed, cleaning up after herself and putting up her laundry when we clean it. The older two boys are responsible for taking out all the trash and then picking up after themselves, making beds, etc. This summer I plan on giving the older two more chores, when I was growing up we had “Cleaning Fridays” every Friday after school I knew I was cleaning all the glass when I got home. My mom would have one of us (me & my sis) clean all of the glass and the other do all the wood furniture. Worked well, so I plan on doing something similar. Ricky actually cleans more than I do! He’s more of a “clean freak” than I am. With him working from home with me he does more than help, he keeps this place up and going!
- Must have staple piece in my closet?
- For me, it’s GOOD Denim and a good bodysuit! Denim is just my thing. I live in my jeans, so I don’t mind spending more on them. As I’m getting older I’ve noticed that I purchase more denim and basics than anything. My go to look is always a bodysuit and Mom jean. My closet is 80% Denim and basics. The rest are all trending items that I rotate in and out. You’ll always need denim and basics! Bodysuits, you either love em or hate em. I personally love them because I don’t worry about my top coming un-tucked.
- Who does my nails at PAINT?
- When I go to PAINT I see Paula or Sarah. Love the girls up there, they are all so sweet!
- What started me on my entrepreneurial career?
- Might sound crazy, but I began working at the age of 14 and knew then I wanted to own my own business. I have always had a entrepreneurial mindset. My biggest struggle was this mental block, I had it set in my head that because I didn’t go to college and because I wasn’t rich, I could never own my own business. Don’t let the world tell you what you can and can’t be. You can do ANYTHING God calls you to and you’re willing to work for. Direct Sales was the door that opened this bigger vision for me. It was the catalyst of what would switch my mindset. Since beginning direct sales I have actually opened 3 businesses. I’ve also closed them. I opened a fitness facility, when we got pregnant with our third I just couldn’t keep up with it anymore, so I closed it. A few years ago I opened a online boutique, loved it, it’s actually what lead me to creating this space. The online boutique was super successful, but it took me away from our health and wellness business and my family way too much. So I passed that on to some amazing women and stepped away from it. I LOVE business! I love marketing, sales, networking, I love it all! Except the paperwork and taxes. That part, Ricky is amazing at.
- Will I share my disobedience with our last house and obedience with this one?
- Yes. But not yet 🙂 Promise I will soon. Still something I want to make sure I let the Spirit lead. It’s coming though, promise.
- What pin are we in AdvoCare?
- We earned our Diamond pin in 2013, this is just a leadership level for those that aren’t familiar.
- How did I grow my Instagram following?
- See this BLOG POST for this answer!
- Favorite local cafes/coffee shops?
- So, I actually don’t drink coffee. I’ll have a iced chai here and there but besides that I prefer Spark as my caffeine for the day. Cafes, goodness I LOVE Cafes, Ricky really doesn’t though. So, I when I am meeting a girlfriend I usually always try to go to a cafe because I know Ricky doesn’t prefer them. Some of my local favorites are The Watering Well (FAVE), La Madeline, & I go to Sugarbakers with friends here and there.
This weeks FAVE FINDS: